Posts Tagged ‘Iditarod’

The Iditarod is On . . . on to NOME!

March 12, 2010

These are not the best photos of our Iditarod Race, as I didn’t take them . . . if you want to see the full leaderboard, goto HERE which will show you all the racers, and update them frequently. It’s the big thing in Alaska this week, but I won’t be following it, as I’m off to the lower states for some warm sunshine, and cruisin’. Of course, I’ll be online along the way, which is an advantage of modern technology.

Other than that, winter is supposed to be winding down in Anchorage, but this morning it was in the single digits again, with promises of a warmer sun tomorrow. . . so check back, and subscribe to my blog, too!

Volcano Erupts in Alaska!

March 25, 2009

Mt. RedoubtThis is not some far off exotic location – it’s right here in Alaska, just a hundred miles west of Homer. Altho’ the image is quite beautiful, in Anchorage, we wait to see which direction the winds are blowing, and hope they continue to go north instead of east northeast. Those of us who were here the last time Mt. Redoubt erupted, remember the ash that covered the land, streets, and our cars . . .. you don’t want to take a wet cloth to wipe your windshield, as it makes a gummy mess. It’s just an unpleasant situation, and this year is good, so far.

Besides that, we need to remind ourselves that this is spring, and the snow that continues to fall every few days is just an illusion. The stores are already selling seedlings, and have a good supply of outdoor plants, too … so, I’m ready.

In case you wonder how the Iditarod Races ended . . . Lance Mackey was a threepeat winner, in under 10 days, . . the thrill of victory was overshadowed by the drama on the trail . . . it’s all past history now, except that there are a few stragglers left on the trail, perhaps trying to get the red lantern.

Over the past week, we’ve had the circus come to town for a few days, and there is a home and garden show on now. This shoulder season is actually a good time to visit Anchorage, as it’s not so crowded, and there is still plenty of activity. When you do make your reservations to come visit, remember that travel insurance is pretty important, and you can read WHY BUY here.

Iditarod underway across Alaska!

March 13, 2009

This is the big week in Alaska, whether you’re a fan of the Iditarod Races or not. There are already several DQ’s along the route to Nome. I got to thinking, “I wonder if these racers can take out travel insurance.” I guess I’m personally involved, because I was recently licensed to get travel insurance anytime I traveled, usually by plane, or cruising, or even a road trip. Several times I’ve had to file, and made good use of this small investment when my bags were lost, or I missed a flight, or needed medical help. You really should put a few bucks into getting a policy your next trip to anywhere. You can get it online, right here.
In the meantime, keep cheering for your dogteam, and check back to see who the winner is. Later . . . vrc

Running of the Reindeer

February 25, 2008

Running of the Reindeer

These are exciting times for the Fur Rendezvous planners, as someone came up with the idea of this race.  . . no one knew exactly how it would turn out, because reindeer are usually docile animals, but the handlers/trainers were able to pull it off.  So they ran three blocks down Fourth Avenue in Anchorage to a street lined with people and vendors, and one was selling reindeer hotdogs, too.   It appears this will be an annual event, which keeps the tourists here between Fur Rendezvous and forthcoming Iditarod Races, which start on March 1st.  I have yet to get a good picture of the King and Queen Regent, but should have one soon.