Archive for March, 2012

March 13, 2012



It’s almost spring on my calendar, but the weather hasn’t caught up yet.  As the Iditarod is probably ending today, it completes the big races of Fur Rendezvous, Iron Dog Race, Iron Dog and Yukon Quest. Also, there’s Cross Country Ski Races at Kincaid Park, and Downhill racing at Mt. Alyeska.  There’s still plenty of snow around, as we had 125 inches in Anchorage this year.  This caused problems as snow is HEAVY.  Very heavy, and the city ran out of places to store the snow, and several homes had roofs that simply fell in, driving was hazardous, so you had to be tough to stand this.  But after a month of below zero temperature, it’s warmer now and the calendar verifies that spring is coming next week.


The weather didn’t deter the arts, which thrive in Anchorage.  The performing arts had a full schedule of concerts, symphonies, operas, and…

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