Posts Tagged ‘fall’

Another Anchorage Autumn

August 31, 2010






The Alaska State Fair is a sure sign that summer has come to an end. This summer has been memorable in some ways, namely, with the amount of rain that has fallen. That is most unusual for Anchorage, but the sun showed it’s face a few times, and we were able to squeeze in outdoor activies, namely, the baseball season was a success, and the many golf tournaments, foot races, bike relays, hiking, and berry picking. The fishing season was spotty, and some lodges notified their regulars not to come this year. So the tourists are waning. Of course, the hunting season is just starting, and no way to predict how that will go.

In Anchorage, the public schools starts in the middle of August, which hasn’t helped the mid-week attendence at the state fair, but the fair did start on time, with their usual big veggies, and minimal number of livestock. It’s always fun, nevertheless, and opening day drew truant students, and lovers of all ages.

Another developing activity is an increasing number of Saturday Farmer’s Markets. The original one downtown has become more of a flea market, with the farmer’s produce for sale at four or more locations around town.

As autumn approaches, the calendar is out for the winter offerings. This always starts with the Champagne Pops concert, which the Symphony sells out regularly. Then comes the Concert Association programs, the Anchorage Community Theatre, and other groups. The Petroleum Club is starting their Football Sunday Brunches, with the Peanut Farm, Arctic Roadrunner, Moose’s Tooth not far behind.

As the days get shorter, we also look forward to watching the Northern Lights play. I think they’re out in the summer, but it’s too light to see them. This is a good time to visit Anchorage, as it’s not too cold yet, but there’s still plenty to do . . . or not do.

What’s going on in Anchorage?

October 1, 2009

The Lion King
The most visible event in Anchorage this month has been The Lion King. It is a super big production, and received only good reviews.

Autumn has taken over the summer scene, and termination dust has creeped down the mountain range to the east of town. (For newbies, this means snow) Golf season, fishing, etc. have given way to hunting, football (both High School and our Wild semi-pro team), and soccer. This year we have The Dome so the schools rent space for their sports activities.

Through the years, we have added most franchises from the lower states, ie. Walgreens, Target, Kohl’s, TGIFridays, Golden Corral, Appleby’s, Outback, etc. and some of us are anxious for the Olive Garden to come. But for the most part, we have just about everything we want and downtown Anchorage is more accessible than most cities’ downtowns.

So Anchorage is still a good place to visit, even in the fall, and all of Alaska extends greetings to our visitors.