Posts Tagged ‘birds’

Finding Anchorage Concierge!

August 22, 2012

Here I am! Although I am mostly in travel services, I have expanded my expertise (ahem!) to relocation services, as I am representing a company that helps foreign oil executives settle into Anchorage for their year or two here. So I’m learning a lot about newbies and enjoying meeting a new set of friends.

This is a lovely time to arrive in Anchorage as the weather is beautiful, aside from a few showers, and the sun only reaches to the high 70’s, while the continental US is sweating it out. Also, the State Fair is opening, and you’re probably seen pictures of the huge cabbages and other vegetables grown in the Valley. Palmer is the valley about 40 miles northeast of Anchorage, and it remains a rural area with many farms and ranchettes. The Fairgrounds is the venu for year-long activities, such as horse shows, Girl Scout Jamborees, etc.

There are also several lakes within the area, and birds, loons, etc.are there to welcome you.

Yes, this is a loon – beautiful bird!

There are a lot of tourists wandering downtown Anchorage, but the paper says the numbers are down. I didn’t think so, as it’s still pretty crowded down on Fourth Avenue, and if you’re driving, forget about street parking, which used to be plentiful (and free).

It’s hard to believe that public school has already started, and it now overlaps with the State Fair, which is inconvenient for many participants, but that’s just the way it is. Come on up and visit us . .. . we love visitors here.